KEEPs Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Cyber Due Diligence services, provides both vendors and buyers with the necessary information they require to identify issues to remediate or highlight as a potential risk and cost requirement to be assessed.
Our consultants work with Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) organisations internally to help them understand the risks with their potential acquisitions or to position organisations in their cyber security maturity to ensure their residual risks and vulnerabilities are minimal to the prospective buyer.

NIST SP 800-53 Rev 5

Know the facts

Our consultants provide assessments of prospective companies via assessments, interviews, technical activities and our experience.

We delve deep to provide strong Due Diligence (DD) that reflects the true state and level of Cyber Security Maturity present within the prospect.

We then provide a realistic narrative, backed with evidence, addressing the areas that are performing well and those that are not.

Knowing the facts is critical to any potential buyer, though also places a would-be vendor in a stronger position in any negotiation(s).

Plan the integration or separation

Cyber Security Maturity and Governance gaps are sometimes costly to address, particularly during integration or separation activities.

Our consultants work with both entities to identify areas of integration and collaboration, whilst identifying the most critical gaps to be addressed.

Plans are devised from a technical, resource and time expectation perspective to support wider strategic objectives. Such plans are formulated from real world know-how by our suitably qualified and experienced consultants.

Managed Cyber


Cyber Security plays a key role in any organisation. Though a prospective vendor whom has strong Cyber Security controls, consistent cyber security spending, awareness, monitoring, mitigations and recovery strategies in place, will stand out from the crowd.

If you’re fearing a technical Due Diligence audit from the prospective buyer, you’re likely not mature in your Cyber Security Practices.

There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with that, there’s a myriad of reasons why your organisation may be in that position. But any prospective buyer must be aware of gaps and shortcomings from the outset to ensure they are willing (and able) to accept the risk(s) that may be present.


Maximise Return(s)

Any acquiring company is looking to maximise their returns over a period of time.

An acquisition with strong Cyber Security Maturity or at least an awareness of their own shortcomings, will assist in increasing the ROI achieved for the buyer.

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